At our first meeting, we learn what’s important to you, discover your core values, discuss your current financial situation and what you would like to achieve.
We prepare detailed statements of advice, structure investment portfolios and provide expert guidance on investment strategies so as to achieve your objectives.
We are always honest and clear when we give you our statement of advice – without using jargon or industry terms that you can’t be expected to understand. That’s why Honesty is one of our core values.
An important question our clients ask us is: ‘How much income will we be able to have in retirement?’ Or if they have sufficient savings, ‘When can we retire?’ We provide this answer – but more importantly, we provide the steps you should take so you can reach your goals.
Communication and trust are vital
If you choose to then become an ongoing client, we will regularly review your financial position and meet with you so as to discuss your portfolio and provide performance updates. We will also make sure that any changes in laws and rules that affect your investments are considered in terms of how they will impact you. We will try to utilise these changes to your advantage.
Your own situation will change – you will have a new career, new qualification, new family circumstances, new goals. Life is always changing. We also need to change our advice to match your new circumstances.
We believe that regular communication with you is vital, to keep you updated and inspire mutual trust. That’s why Communication and Trust are two of our core values.