This is never an easy question to answer.
One, because moving a loved one to a care facility is an emotional process for both you and your loved one and you’d rather postpone it for as long as possible.
Two, you are too emotionally involved to accept that it is indeed time to move them to a nursing home. You never want to be the person who decided let’s put mom or dad in a nursing home.
While this process may be emotional, sometimes it may be the best and only thing that you can do for your loved one. Unfortunately, knowing whether to put a loved one in a nursing home is not an obvious thing.
However, there are a few signs that can help you decide when is it time to start considering a home:
These signs do not determine 100% if a parent needs to go into a nursing home but they are helpful to think about, when grappling with this emotional decision.
1.Longer recovery when sick or hurt
Your parent seems to take longer to heal whenever they get sick or hurt themselves.
This is a sign that their immune system is weakening and they, therefore, need close attention from a qualified caregiver such as a nurse.
2. They have chronic health problems
If your loved one suffers from a chronic condition that seems to be getting worse over time they may benefit from living in a nursing home where they’ll receive round the clock specialized care.
3. Declining ability to handle basic day-to-day activities
Is it getting harder for your loved one to perform basic tasks such as cooking, doing their laundry, cleaning etc. due to physical or cognitive impairment? It may be a good time to consider moving them into a nursing home especially if there is no one to do these tasks for them. When your loved one is in a care facility you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that these tasks are well handled.
4. Walking is becoming a problem
Is it getting harder for your loved one to walk without assistance? Moving them into a home care facility will ensure that there’s someone to assist them when they need help moving around. This way, you can be sure they are always safe.
5. They’ve gotten lost a couple of times
Wandering off and forgetting one’s way back home is often a sign of dementia. If this has happened to your loved one, talk to their doctor and make arrangements to move them to a nursing home facility with a memory care unit. This will make their life safer and ease their anxiety and confusion.
6. Increased emotional outbursts
This is an important sign to look out for If you’re still trying to decide when is it time to put a parent into a nursing home. If your parent keeps getting unusually angry and aggressive whenever they are upset, they may be suffering from dementia and need professional care available in an assisted living facility.
7. Your loved one is isolated or withdrawn
Observe how your loved one is socialising. Are they getting more and more withdrawn? Are they skipping social activities that they used to enjoy? Do they go for days without leaving the house? Talk to them to find out why they are suddenly withdrawn and judge whether it is time to move them into a care facility.
8. Your parents’ friends are concerned about their wellbeing
If your parents’ friends have expressed concerns about them, take them seriously. They may have noticed something that may indicate that your parents need full-time care available in a nursing home.
9. You are no longer able to give full-time care to your parents
If you’re the one taking care of your loved one and you notice that this is taking a toll on your physical or mental health don’t be ashamed to seek help. It is in your loved ones’ best interest to have someone capable and qualified to taking care of them. No matter how much you love your parents, you will affect them more if you’re unhealthy.
10. You don’t have enough financial support to continue caregiving on your own
Providing round the clock care for your loved ones from the comfort of their homes is by no means cheap. This may be getting financially stressful on you. Move your parents to a nursing home to ensure that they continue receiving good care at an affordable rate.
It is not easy to tell when the right time is to consider a big move like this. But if you’ve found yourself thinking “when should I put my parents in a nursing home?”, keep monitoring these signs so that you’re not caught off guard and have to look for a nursing home when your loved one is going through a crisis.
You might also like:
- Options Other Than Nursing Homes
- How To Put Someone in a Nursing Home Against Their Will
- How To Get Into a Nursing Home Australia

Hi, I hope you found this article useful.
If you wish to discuss your situation and what strategies may be of benefit please contact us here
Thanks - Shane